History and Politics of Panama

 Interestingly enough Panama has a history and politic view of their government even thinking it was corrupted. The history of Panama some believe that some of the history was tainted with. Since 1994 Panama's government has been a constitutional democracy. When Panama went for independence they went through many constitutional amendments, and different types of leaderships which did not work out. Their government is similar to the United States having a executive, legislative, and judicial branch. Even the people of Panama have to be 18 to vote. One difference from the United States would be in Panama the president gets one term which is five years. United States gets two terms and each term is four years. 

Some interesting political history is when Panama got independence from Columbia, but their is more history than that. This canal was already being looked at by the French around 1880's which was to no success. They tried but overall was not a success quitting a few years later. Years later the United States helped Panama even established a treaty which was the making of the Panama Canal.  Since Panama wanted independence it was a agreement, the United States sends help with the fight as after a agreement of building the canal would start. Overall the canal would benefit trades benefiting everyone British, French, or Spanish (Countries). So, the United States would pay a one-time payment of ten million for ten miles of the canal. "I took the Canal zone and let Congress debate; and while the debate goes on, the canal does also" Theodore Roosevelt concluded. Not only did this show the power of the United States, but made a canal that would be embedded in Panama history. The Panama Canal is a famous place to visit, and even still used today having so much history. Panama has fought for so much to be where they are today. 

"Panama is a country that's been dealing with issues of identity since its very birth. It was born on Wall Street. It was born out of engineering construction. It was the canal. Because of the canal, the country was born, so the country has been divided into pro-canal and against-canal people for so long (édgar ramírez). Panama is a country with incredible history and very strong origins. They made something of themselves instead of making nothing.   


U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of State, history.state.gov/countries/panama.

U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of State, history.state.gov/milestones/1899-1913/panama-canal.


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